Design and Implementation of Wireless AMI Network for Smart Grid using OPNET Riverbed
The Smart grid is a vital part of the electric power system that is employed for the facility of knowledge technology to showing intelligence carry energy to the consumers by usingthe two-way communication. The smart grid, there are a unit variety of workable meters that area unit interconnected for the data flows in two- way manner. The smart Grid has the most goals for the active the participants of punters for the advance excellence and responsibility for energy consumption to lose energy feeding and assume cumulative responsibility as communication between energy meters and clients. Basically, The AMI (Advance Meter Infrastructure) is a network infrastructure with various kind of smart meters connected in distributed system. This AMI desires with without wired communication technology for relay data from the server as center to the smart meters. Here, OPNET (Optimized Network Engineering Tool) modeler is a simulation tools which is used for examination of the communication networks. Herewith in this paper, there are various kind of simulation network as copies of variousdesignedof SMsystem or networks are created with various network constraints used and they are connected with the different communication network as wireless and wired network for the find out the data are transported to the sever with traditional knowledge of data transmission and attempt to novelty out the perceive of DDoS attack to the AMI network and it has been distribute the approval to the adjacentperiod of the AMI network where seepage weird tasks handled by supply companies. The result of this paper is proposal for long lasting smart meter AMI network creator thus on avoid unpleasant encounters part by a number of the deliverycompanies.