Partial Used of Foundry sand as Replacement of Sand in Concrete Production
This article discusses experimental results performed to appraise the use of foundry sand (FS) in concrete production as a replacement source for fine aggregates. Six different substitutions rates (10, 20,30,40,50 and 60 %), FS originating from the metal casting industry has been used as a replacement for fine aggregate. Different tests slump cone, compressive strength, split tensile strength, UPV, Rebound hammer, flexural strength tests were conducted to understand FS's effects on concrete performance. Foundry sand study of grain size distribution showed that 8% of FS was less than 75 μm, and foundry sand water absorption was about 2.15 %. The test results showed that concrete mixtures containing up to 30 percent of the foundry sand had their strength properties were relatively close to the strength of the control mixture. The decline in intensity is due to the FS fineness and the FS involvement of dust and mud. The test results showed that the substitution rate for good concrete output up to 30 percent can be used effectively without affecting the specific standards and that a replacement rate exceeding 30 % is not favorable.