Assessing stress and motivation of generation y
A new generation of employees with new expectations has entered the workplace. They are known by many names, but most will identify them as the Millennial or Generation Y (Gen Y). There is evidence in literature that generation Y is different from the previous generations.
The purpose of the study is to assess and understand Generation Y, their attitudes and their stress and motivation towards their work and life in order to fulfill their materialistic desires. Because Gen-Yers were coming of age during the most consistently expansive economy in the last 30 years, they have a more optimistic outlook on life, work and future than the previous generations did at their age. Studies show that more than 80 percent Gen-Yers believe that they will be financially better off than their parents. Millennial facility with technology has empowered them in ways older cohorts can only imagine.
This generation has never experienced life without computers. Most surveys of millennial report that they expect to earn very high salaries by the time they are 30. This study adds to the existing body of research on material culture and experience engagement by focusing on the values and motivations of Millennial. Findings conclude that although the desire for experiences over possessions is apparent, millennial affiliation with material culture is still evident due to the role possessions play in allowing experiences to shape identity.