Novel Secured Digital Payment Gateway with Dynamic Password on Multiple Private Keys (PIN) connecting SET Protocol on ECC in E-Commerce Applications
In this paper, secured online digital payment gateway model for e-commerce applications is intended and fabricated. This depicts a real time application scheme on Elliptic Curve Cryptography under the structure of SET protocol, which includes both digital signature and cryptosystem. The novelty in this gateway is dynamic password, which will be generated on again a dynamic PIN, which in turn is initiated by the customer for each transaction. This dynamic password finally completes the transaction. And also, this improvement includes two Confirmation algorithms for implementation of ECC that assures complexity and security. At the end, secure implementation of SET protocol over ECC for online payment gateway is presented, which ensures the validity, confidentiality, integrity and non-repudiation of transaction. Security analysis like attack on DLP, attack on Hash function is also given to strengthen the architecture.