Enhancing Teaching Competency through Self-Regulation Strategies with Special Reference to Brain Compatible Learning
Teacher has an important role in creating such classroom environment where he/she can link teaching with learning experiences.In order to cater to the needs of diverse learners and improve their academic achievement, research today has shifted its focus from autocratic and teacher oriented instructional strategies to democratic teaching strategies wherein pupils are given due importance.Coefficient of correlation(r) value between post-test and pre-test score for self-regulation is 0.22.The calculated‘t’ value between the pre-test and Post-test mean score is(59.44) is greater than the theoretical ‘t’ value of 2.00, Significant at 0.05 level (1.98) It is inferred that Post-test means score is significantly greater than the pre-test mean score. Coefficient of correlation(r) value between pre-test score and Post test score for teaching competency is 0.57.The calculated t value is (22.22) is greater than the theoretical‘t’ value of 2.00, Significant at 0.05 level (1.98) It is inferred that Post-test means score is significantly greater than the Pre-test mean score. The Gain ratio indicates that there is a considerable improvement in teaching competency (75.83) The Gain ratio indicates that there is a considerable improvement in Self-regulation Strategies (85.20%). The present study has concluded the self-regulation strategies are one among the easy accessible and available strategies perceived by the teacher trainees by their own lack of thecomponents in teaching competency. The present investigation further instructs the teacher trainees to adopt self-regulation strategies in his/her teaching learning process, to become masters in their subject concerned at school curriculum.