Energy Efficient Resource Allocation In Cognitive Radio Network By Using Ieera Clustering Apporch
The Cognitive Radio Network (CRN) is a set of a heterogeneous network that comprises the number of the users dynamically accessing the spectrum. the cognitive radio network has a major issue which is related to the allocation of resource channels for users in the network environment where the impact of inefficient resource allocation may result in increased user interference. we suggested a resource allocation approach as a solution for the cognitive radio network in this paper, we proposed the solution of resource allocation for cognitive radio network using the modified improve energy efficient resource allocation (IEERA)– a metaheuristic approximation. This new methods uses dynamic resource allocation on the basis of their location. The objective is to obtain the optimal solution of channel allocation by Cognitive Radio Users. By observing the overall result, it can state that propose IEERA based resource allocation techniques improve the channel allocation and attain the fairness in the Cognitive Radio environment, and then the throughput is increased.