Mass Media And Cyber Security: Pros And Cons
Mass media is said to be the media of mass-communication and by this mode of media represents the entirety of mass information that includes radio, television, press, internet etc. Although the key function of “mass media” is to had information, and particularly since the society now days are more digitalized, there are some important changes occurred in their behaviour of every individual to express and demonstrate their experience of gaining the knowledge, and due to this there is a great impact on “mass media” where some of them had refused it but many of them had accepted it easily. The overpowering and devastating influence of media will not able to affect any individual in negative manner if the information is well controlled by the consumer. In the present scenario, the major crime attempted by the experts of computers is “cybercrime”. Cyber security and some of its influences are mentioned here in this paper. The group of activities that creates disturbance in the network steals important and personal data, hacks bank details and accounts to transfer the money etc. are all included in the cyber crimes and for this cyber securities are developed to provide prevention against the cyber crime. In the last century, some of the explosive changes at the economic and information level occurred all over the globe due to which proper field for mass media is created to develop; internet came up and brought a complete massive change at the society level. When the individuals are involved in the process of modifications there is a change that comes in the way of conventional education also and this shift of permanent education combines formal, informal and non-formal mode of educations. For the people those uses the internet in their day to day routine work and they face some inconvenience situations while accessing and using the internet then cyber security plays a significant part in providing them the guarantee and protection. Even in universities they are facing this current issue of misuse of internet. Internet offers advantageous to the university students for their course but at the same time they need to be protected to feel convenient and confidence while using internet.