Etiquettes of Ground Granulated Blast Furnace Slag Infilled Concrete Column With Several End Conditions

  • Nilesh Maid, Sanjaykumar Balte, Smrutirekha Mishra


The manufacturing of cement provides  emission of many green house gases in atmosphere, which create  global warming. Hence, the researches are currently research on cement­ing waste materials which  without compromising on its strength and durability,. In this project  compressive strength of concrete prepared with Ordinary Portland Cement (Ultratech) 53 grade,  replaced by ground granulated blast furnace slag (GGBS).In this study, GGBS partially replaced at varying percentage of 11 to 75 %, at an interval of 25% and tested for its Compressive strength up to 28 days and those results were compared with conventional concrete. The overall test results shows that GGBS could be utilized in concrete as a partial replacement of cement which improves the mechanical properties of concrete.
