Automated Gurney System: A new paradigm for Health monitoring system using Internet of Things
A smart health monitoring system has rapidly evolved in past few decades. IoT has facilitated the health monitoring system by implementing many challenging process contributing to the advancement in medical efficiency and clinical approachability. Though limited ambulances are equipped with ALS (Advanced Life Support), situation probing to the requirement of alerting the doctors and hospitals thereby improving the efficiency in clinical settings has exponentially increased. The aim of this paper is to provide a smart health monitoring system by embedding sensors and IoT technology in Gurneys of an Ambulance. The emergency medical care is highly required and time sensitive demanding specialized persons.
The patient’s condition is monitored continuously and communicated to the hospitals. In case of an emergency an SMS will be sent to the Doctors and family members through IoT thereby reducing the causality caused due to the delay caused in analyzing the condition and required clinical treatment.