Development and Validation of Novel Constructs to Measure the Effectiveness of Human Resource Information Systems
The primary objective of this study is to develop a statistically validated set of constructs based on constructs derived from the existing literature. This new set of constructs is validated through empirical research that may further be used to assess the effectiveness of a human resource information system (HRIS) used in various IT companies. This study incorporates data collected only from the information technology (IT) companies operating in India. The research is mainly exploratory and descriptive. Data were collected from employees of IT companies registered with The National Association of Software and Services Companies (NASSCOM), India, on a simple random basis. Exploratory factor analysis (EFA) of data brought the initial count of eight identified dimensions to four. Further, a confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) using the structural equation modeling (SEM) approach proposed by the authors resulted in an excellent fit, reflecting the accuracy and usability of the derived constructs in the model. Thus, four new constructs are now available to measure HRIS effectiveness. Although the scale developed was empirically measuring an HRIS’s effectiveness well, it may, however, require further improvements or modifications to suit specific research conditions outside the Indian IT industry. Organizations now need not involve numerous aspects of HRIS effectiveness measurement. They may now use this model and the included scale to evaluate the extent to which their HRIS is effective and assess the kind of impact it has on different aspects of human resource management at their workplace. This study has brought down the size of the scale of IS effectiveness measurement, without compromising much with the previously published constructs by scholars and experts.