High Energy and Spectral Efficiency Analysis for 5g Based Spectrum Aggregation
A local anchor based architecture in which DC technique is applied in this paper to provide user-centric service for performance enhancement in the UDN scenario. Under the proposed architecture, anchor FAPs are selected for UEs, acting as the MeNBs while the other FAPs in VCs act as the SeNBs which only provide user service in the coverage of VCs. Key procedures are given for providing the user with satisfactory service following her movement and improving mobility robustness. For performance evaluation, first, analyze the impact of the size of anchor FAPs' physical coverage on handover performance in our scheme. Besides, different values of handover parameters are conducted in simulation to give an insight for optimal configuration. And comparisons between our proposed scheme and handover scheme in the LTE system are illustrated to show the gain. Results show that a maximum decrease of more than 53% can be obtained for HOF rate and a maximum increase of 5% average UE spectrum efficiency gains in the proposed scheme over the current LTE system when UE speed is 3km/h the ultra-dense demands vary in both temporal and spatial domains. As a large amount of ultra-dense demands may be generated in small hotspot regions, while only a small amount of ultra-dense demands may be generated in vast non-hotspot regions. In the time dimension, a large number of users may request intensive ultra-dense over the network during peak hours. Such user behavior is referred to as large-scale user behavior. Unsurprisingly, the large-scale user behavior creates enormous difficulties in energy consumption analysis. Some energy-efficient designs of heterogeneous cellular networks and a number of other dynamics transmit mode adjustment schemes supported large-scale user behavior. For this proposed a cell zooming mechanism where it was shown that the power consumption can be reduced using turning off some BSs and extending the coverage of the other BSs during periods of low ultra-dense demands. Resource allocation focusing on reducing the cross-tier interference can also save the energy of 5Gs. used the subchannel allocation mechanism to optimize 5G EE with a fairness constraint, and the authors extended the work to joint and disjoint subchannel allocation for open access anchor and closed access anchor respectively. Surveyed the recent findings in the area of energy-efficient resource allocation for 5Gs