Social Media Andteacher Effectiveness: A Literature Review
There has been an increase in the number of social media platforms in recent years. These social media platforms werepreviously viewed and regardedas mere distractions to the educational system as students could get exposed to vices and ultimately prevent them from focusing on their studies. Of late, there has been a swift change on this line of thinking. Instead of focusing on negative impacts, educationists now focus on positive impacts of social media on education.It is common practice that many teachers are using different social media platforms (like YouTube, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn, etc.) in teaching and learning processes.Consequently, the positive impact of social media in education is eminently prevalent.In this paper, over thirty scholarly articles (ranging from the year 1999 to 2020) were reviewed that depicted that social media has enhanced knowledge sharing, collaboration, interaction, creativity and innovativeness in both teachers and students. Therefore, incorporating social media in educationhas great impact on teacher effectiveness.