Water Impurities Detection System using IoT
Water is one of the vital resources for life on the earth and the main concern is to find that whether the water is impure or not. As sources grow and urbanizes, its water bodies are getting lethal. According to forum, it is estimated that around 70% of surface water is not good for human consumption. Moreover, everyday waste water is been added to rivers and lakes with only tiny fraction adequately treated. To overcome these problem , this paper proposes a low cost system for detecting impurities in distilled water using the technologies like IoT, Machine Learning, Cloud Computing and Android Application. In this paper, the system is implemented by integrating sensors with Single Board Compute. The system is real time and work under IOT environment. The system is used to collect data which is used to generate the water quality report. This report can forward to the officials for resolving issues. This instantaneous reporting is used to resolve the issues in less time so that citizens will not face those issues for longer time. It considers the parameters of water like temperature, pH, Conductivity and Turbidity. It also helps to retrieve the lack of particular parameter in water. To advancement as the scope of system, more sensors can be integrated together considering extra parameters to get the accurate level of water quality.