Health Monitoring System Using IOT
Now-a-days, image processing methods are mostly used in many medical fields to improve early detection and prevention stages, where time is a very important factor in the patient's detection of the disease as quickly as possible, especially in various type of cancer such as breast cancer. Due to its high prevalence combined with the complicated diagnosis, breast cancer has attracted the attention of scientific institutions in recent years. Statistics from 2008 indicate that breast cancer is the one that attacks the largest number of women and causes death among them, all over the world. For successful treatment, early detection of cancer is very important. There are few methods for identifying cancer cells. A lot of research has been done on breast cancer diagnosis using different techniques of image processing and classification Prevention becomes impossible because the cause of breast cancer remains unclear. Thus, solution to prevent breast cancer is early detection of tumor in the breast. Masses and micro-calcification are early symptoms of suspected breast cancer. With help of this,at itsinitialphase we will be able to predict breast cancer.