A Survey On Information Security Using DNA Cryptography Along With AES Algorithm.
Securing information is the most important need of not only the business world but also its highly essential in all the other major sectors. The secured data storage capacity along with security during data transit is also an important factor. In this survey paper DNA based security technique is proposed as an information transporter, the latest data securing process can be adopted by harnessing the benefits of DNA based AES. This technique will provide multilevel security. The proposed system aims to secure transaction data during communication as it is essential when a message or data transmit between sender and receiver should be private along with integrity and availability.AS the detail hiding needs a carrier to hold the data, therefore in order to increase data security and make the data more private effectual encryption algorithm is proposed using DNA cryptography. DNA molecules, holds an ability to accumulation, process and transfer data, stimulates the notion of DNA cryptography. This amalgamation of the chemical features of genetic DNA structures along with cryptography confirms the nonvulnerable communication. The current features with reference to DNA cryptography are reviewed and presented here.