Zona Del Silencio – A Smart System to Reduce Traffic Noise
"Silent Zones" we often see this sign passing by the roads ever wondered what they are? The areas such as Hospitals, libraries, schools, court come normally under silence zones. It is done so that the people in hospitals, readers in the library, Students and court martial have no disturbance in the surrounding and they can concentrate on the work being done. According to the standards, the noise level in silence zone should not exceed 50 dB during the daylight and 40 dB after dusk. But there is seen a large variation on how much the sound levels vary from 56 dB to even as high as 77 dB for the daytime and from 51 dB to 75 dB after the dawn. The solution to this increasing problem, “Zona Del Silencio” is a device which will be connected to the vehicle, upon entering the no-honking-zones the device will suppress honking of vehicles by drivers. Effective reduction of noise in surrounding silence zones can be observed.