Survey on E-Voting System Using Visual Cryptography & Block Chain

  • Ashwini S Solankar



Voting is process were collective decision is done for a place of authority. Decades back, this process was paper based were individual person would secretly vote on paper and put the closed paper in ballot, then collective votes were counted for majority. Drawbacks faced by this process were waste of paper and was expensive. Earlier the voting process was applied through internet, claiming it as E-voting. E-Voting process must maintain data integrity and protection from manipulations of vote casted. To obtain this aim, we are proposing a method which is used in election process. Herein a voter is assigned with each node, one image is distributed in two sub-images which are generated as private key and public key. Thus, using Visual Cryptography for verification. Then nodes wait their turn to create the block, all information is stored in these blocks after verification. Thus, Security and data Integrity is maintained for casted vote with help of Visual Cryptography and Block chain Technology.
