Detection and Analysis of Parkinson's Disease Using Piezo Resistive Tactile Mems Sensor
In this paper, an accurate methodology is proposed to detect compliance of soft tissue using two serpentine springs as a combined structure in micro machined piezo resistive tactile sensor, small vibrations and variations with live tissue also detected. The measuring range of the sensor is chosen to be associated with the soft-tissue properties. Here 10-80 milli-newton force is applied on the soft tissue and the variations in the tissue are observed, and compared with the existing methods. From the observations, it is found that the sensor output stress sensitivity varies linearly with the variation in applied force. The sensor parameters are optimized to give high sensitivity and linearity of the sensor output. To detect the healthy tissue more force needed to be applied on the proof-mass, which varies the stress applied on the tissue. A light stress is to be applied if it is damaged. Using COMSOL TOOL the design is simula ted for checking the sensor performance and compared which micro machined tactile sensor design which is simulated using the ANSYS tool.