Innovation In Water Proofing In Concrete Using Bilva Leaf
In the countries like India Bilva trees is considered as devotional and medicinal source. As we have used the Bilva leaf and fruit as an additive. In various formulations also Bilva is an ingredient. In this paper our main aim is to replace bitumen and other chemicals which are used as a water proofing agent with much of a natural material that is Bilva leaves and fruit (AegeleMarmelos). They are dried in the room temperature, where it is crushed and mixed with the jaggery. The preliminary test was conducted on the concrete mix to maintain standards, according to design standards and casted. This prevents the use of harmful chemicals which causes harm to environment. It helps in the judicious use of water for water proofing, its ecofriendly and economical. In this paper the waterproofing characteristics of concrete by mixing Bilva leaf and fruit paste are studied by applying in various percentages such as 0%, 1.5%, 2% and 2.5% of weight of concrete cube. Concrete of M20 grade is used for this study.