Virtual Learning Subteleties And Coping With Stress Among University Students During Covid 19 Lockdown Period: A Structural Equation Model Approach.
Our research work examines the influence of online learning experience, taking students as an example, at a University where one of the authors is working. The students had been subjected to online learning for their respective courses which they have registered in their odd semester for the academic year 2019-20, through video lectures on account of COVID 19 and its subsequent announcement on Lockdown by the competent authorities in the Government of India. These students were circulated with the questionnaire through google forms as they were not available on campus. The Study focused on identifying the impact of online learning experience and factors contributing thereof and their ability to cope with stress due to this sudden outbreak. The authors’ attempted to develop a model using Structural Equation Modelling, the results reveal that self-experience, professors support, perception towards online learning and adaptability attitude help students to the Cope up with their stress during this lockdown period. The results of the study will have wider impact on Higher educational institutions policy making and for execution in introducing more online based courses.