Smart Guidance System Of Sightless Challengers
Eyes are one of the most essential sensory organs to human life. Blind's everyday-life issues are hectic. In the new scheme the blind are directed by an ultrasonic sensor and a camera mounted within the walking stick to overcome obstacles. It makes use of the raspberry pi interfacing module. The weather sensor serves to carry blind climate. The weather sensor helps hold the climate blind. But blind may be uncertain of his current position just in case the individual is left behind and there can be no support. The proposed system overcomes the drawback of an interfaced ultrasonic sensor to detect obstacles, and includes the USB camera to capture live images and connect the devices to the Raspberry Pi. The obstacle detected is transmitted to the speech process through one earphone using text, and the live images taken by the camera are also stored in a drive folder. The trusted person should have an application where he can get the contact with the drive, where the live photo is provided to monitor the blind. Just in case the blind is lost, they will have an access button that will be used to call the trusted individual and it will be available as an android application connected via Bluetooth to the Raspberry Pi module. The applications for android include linking with the trusted person and guiding the blind user. Blind can travel by themselves, because they are connected to the internet. Locating the local place easily via live photos can be done just in case of immediate emergency response.