Advance root finding vanet algortim Analysis
Vehicular Ad-hoc Networks (VANETs), which considers both buses and cars as vehicular nodes running in both clockwise and anti-clockwise directions. It is a hybrid protocol, uses both the greedy forwarding approach and the carry-store-and-forward approach to ensure the connectivity of the routes. Our solution to situations, when the network is sparse and when any (source or intermediate) node left its initial position, makes this protocol better in city scenarios. We only consider Vehicle to-Vehicle (V2V) communication in which both the source and destination nodes are moving vehicles. The paradigm of cross-layer design has been introduced as an alternative
to pure layered design to develop communication protocols. Cross-layer design allows information to be exchanged and shared across layer boundaries in order to enable efficient and robust protocols. There has been several research efforts that validated the importance of cross-layer design in vehicular networks.