Online Shopping Fake Product Review Analysis
Seller selling the products in both online and offline mode. Users or buyers also buy the products in
both modes. Nowadays online shopping is becoming more popular and users like to buy the product
through online mode itself with ease. Due to this many online e-commerce sites are developed by
many sellers all over the globe Moreover users do make a survey on their needed product reviews
which helps them whether to buy the product or not. Many e-commerce sites are getting benefits
from their buyers, but also many other sellers of different e-commerce sites to make them more
profit they make fake reviews of products that are available on different sites. For this purpose with
help of many digital marketers they make fake reviews with different IP addresses and accounts. In
our project those fake reviews are identified and those IP addresses are blocked. It helps to improve
the honesty of reviews available on site. It will increase the sale of the products.