Brain Tumor Detection and Classification using Image Processing and Machine Learning
Brain Tumor detection is one of the most critical and arduous tasks in the area of medical image processing. Image Processing is a technique to extract the important features as well as to enhance the images received from the camera, satellite, or taken in day to day life for various applications.
It is an imperative aspect of medical science to visualize the internal structures of brain as well as to diagnosis, monitor and treat disease. Several types of imaging technologies like CT-scan and MRI, X-ray is used in medical field to diagnose the human part of body. MRI is used to diagnosis or locating tumor in brain, measuring tissue volume, estimate tumor size. Detection of tumor from brain is very difficult due to variance and complexity of tumor and dense brain tissues. Different image processing techniques and machine learning techniques is used for detection and classification of Brain Tumor. In this paper we are going to show the comparisons of different techniques to Diagnosis of Brain Tumor.