Latent Information towards Various Queries
In present situation many multinationals and people utilize database to understand suitable
administrations and minimal effort applications. So, to implement sufficient performance for SQL
queries, various safe database programs have been proposed. Though, such schemes are unsafe to
privacy leakage to cloud server. The databases are covered inside the cloud server, which is over the
control of information proprietors. The SQL Queries require a few secure collection of data scheme
for its clear working, yet sometimes this prompts privacy spillage to the cloud server. For the
numerical range request, these plans can’t give sufficient security assurance against reasonable
difficulties. Moreover, increased number of queries will necessarily leak more data to the cloud
server. Thus numerous works have been done by various researchers regarding these issues. We have
studied some of these research works and determined the best possible ways to come to the desired
level of privacy preservation in the case of cloud computing. Few works which were studied are the
fuzzy logic, range queries, CryptDB order preserving encryption and multi-cloud architecture.