Multipath Routing Protocol for Emergency Services in VANET
In present scenario the population and vehicles are increasing rapidly in every part of world especially in urban areas. In this areas life is at greater risk. The recent research and survey has already proved the accident took place for every second in every part of the world, thus the life of individual at higher risk. Since VANETs have great potential in improving the traffic condition and various routing protocol has been developed in this direction. The recent advancement in wireless technologies and automobile industries together initiated important research interest in the area of VANET. The two major communication systems supported by VANETs are first is Vehicle to Vehicle (V2V) and another is supported by infrastructure like vehicle to infrastructure (V2I).This two types of system is supported by wireless access such as IEEE 802.11p standard technologies. This revolutionary innovation in wireless technology has proved to improve the safety application on road, traffic congestion and route guidance through the development of Intelligent Transportation System (ITS).As a result the government agencies, automobile sector and researcher are all together contributing to enhance the feasibility of ongoing projects in VANETs. The newer applications in this regards like alarming accident prone area, vehicle collision warning and traffic information broadcasting has made the VANETs system more popular in the field of wireless communication. In our design approach we have utilized the Ad hoc On-demand Multipath Distance Vector (AOMDV) Multipath Routing Protocol over Adhoc on demand Distance Vector(AODV),which is a Single Path Routing Protocol. Further we have obtained two distinguish Multipath Routing Protocol of its own type Priority (PAOMDV) and Modified (POAOMDV) to evaluate our results in emergency services.