Energy Efficient Scalable Routing Protocol (EESRP) for Underwater Acoustic Sensor Networks Using Random Linear Network Coding
In Underwater Acoustic Sensor Networks (UWASN), sensor nodes are used for
collecting information from seabed, monitoring pollution, and for various surveillance
applications. Underwater sensor nodes are prone to failures because of fouling and
corrosion. In Sensor Network (WSN) each sensor node consists of a battery, transmitter,
receiver and a processor. Replacing or recharging the battery is not possible every time.
So energy balancing is a critical issue during communication. In this paper, Inter-Intra
Cluster Energy Balanced Routing (EESRP) protocol is proposed for UWASN to overcome
latency and other interference as well as make the entire network is energy balanced. The
proposed energy balanced routing protocol is required for communicating the sensed
data between the nodes. To reduce the energy extraction during communication between
the nodes and thereby improving the network lifetime can be obtained by applying
network coding technique in inter and intra cluster. The simulation results show that the
proposed EESR protocol can reduce the number of node failures, finding usage of energy
of each node and effectively prolong the network lifetime. Also this protocol has better
performance on energy-efficiency, end-to-end delay and throughput compared to other
existing protocols