Artificial Intelligence, Context, And Meaning Making In Language: A Rationalization Approach
This paper undertakes the precariousanalysis of meaning theories of languages put forwarded by
linguists in various philosophical arguments and their implications in numerous aspects. The study
followed a qualitative strategy to examine the syntactic properties of language and paradoxes of
meaning-making, the role of artificial intelligence in meaning-making and its implications in real life.
The major focus of the study entails the meaning extraction through contextual clues, artificial
intelligence (AI), machine learning, linguistic expressions and how to do these expressions effect about
address the issues of communication and to highlight the paradoxes of language theories of various
philosophers. The opinions, philosophical assumptions,and findings have been critically evaluated in
terms of understanding of language theories particularly meaning theories about machine learning. The
study sums up that meaning theories have paid a critical role in the interpersonal and intercultural
communication in different societies which has created a tremendous change in the use of language in
communication. Whereas, the merger of machine learning has no doubts explored novel approaches in
making the meaning-making process easier which has made communication more effective. It further
suggests that the intuitive view of meaning is necessary to guide a linguistic action. AI not only helps in
language research but also solve problems in translation studies, language acquisition, and
understanding of meaning. As for foreign language studies, AI itself would keep involve and update as
we challenge it in different foreign language education scenarios