Impact of Factors Influencing the Retail Sales in Beverages Industry in India: A Comparative Analysis Pepsi Cola & Coca Cola- An Empirical Evidence.
The first man-made sparkling or carbonated water is credited to Joseph Priestley, the British scientist who discovered oxygen. In 1772 he invented a method of "pushing" carbon dioxide into water by dissolving it under pressure, thus creating fairly long-lasting bubbles. The technique led to development of the soft-drink industry. By the beginning of the 19th century, carbonated water was being made commercially in France and North America; shortly thereafter, flavours (normally fruit concentrates) were added to enliven the taste. Most soft drinks are still carbonated to give drinks a "tangy bite" and to stimulate the tongue. Furthermore, because scent is an important part of taste, the flavours carried as vapours in the bubbles enhance taste. Marketing is about winning this new environment. It is about understanding what consumers want and supplying it more conveniently. Marketing deals with identifying and meeting human needs and social needs. One of the shortest definitions of marketing is “meeting needs profitably”. The consumer market may be identified as the market for product and services that are purchased by individuals as household for their personal consumption. soft drinks is a typical consumer product purchased by individual primarily quench their thirst and also for refreshment. Different types of soft drinks are available in the market and more or less content of all soft drinks is same. The market of soft drinks is facing a cutthroat competition and many companies are floating in the market with their product with different brands names. This Paper explains Comparative Analysis of factors influencing the retail sales of Pepsi. Co &Coca Cola.