Assessment of Urban Heat Islands in Rawang Small Cities, Malaysia
Early studies of UHIs focused almost exclusively on large cities or metropolitan regions, owing to the greater importance placed on air circulation and pollution. However, a number of studies for small- and medium-sized cities have described problems in the air and temperature of these cities that are unique; however, their effects are becoming a common concern in smaller cities as well. This study was conducted in to examine the relevance of the level of urbanization in the city of Rawang and investigate the factors that contribute to the cause heat islands in Rawang either in city center area and the rural. As a result of the impact of urbanization, the temperature pattern in the city center area and rural should be evaluated. Data gathering involved mobile surveys across Rawang City centre to rural area, during arternoon 1400 to 1800 and 2000 to 2200 night times (9 and 10 April 2018). Urban Heat Island Pattern shown the temperature distribution is high in central area of Rawang which categorized as urban. Variability in Maximum temperature on working days during noon were recorded at 34.8°C while at night is 32°C while the minimum temperature is 30.2°C at noon and 27.9°C. Industrial areas mostly influenced the highest temperature and the lowest temperature recorded in Station 12 that is Sungai Kanching Tropical Forest. The results showed that in the center city area seen temperatures higher than the rural area and rural area.