Pros and Cons of E-Learning: With Special Reference to Saudi EFL Learners
In today’s era, technology is changing very rapidly. Everyday a new technology comes into
existence and previous technology becomes obsolete. The same is happening in the education
sector where learning platforms are changing day by day and classroom teaching is not as
popular as it was earlier. Students want quick and all time available learning resources which
they can access at any time. E-learning is one of the hottest and trending things in the education
sector. People are using E-learning since long, but due to unavailability of easy and cheap
internet access it was not much popular as it is today. E-learning refers to formalized teaching
but it is done with the aid of internet. In this article, a detailed overview regarding the pros and
cons of E-learning has been presented. Also, the impact of E-learning especially on the EFL
(English and Foreign Language) learners of KSA (Kingdom of Saudi Arabia) has been studied.