Advanced Routing for Cooperative Relays for Information Dissemination and Power Transfer in WSNs

  • P.Ramakrishnan, S. Dhivya


In the next generation wireless networks, both the spectral efficiency and energy efficiency had been remaining as the key issues. Therefore Cooperative relay and SWIPT based network is used to solve the issues in the wireless networks. The nodes in between the source and destination relays the information and provides the spatial diversity.CoR increases the availability of bandwidth and also the efficiency. In SWIPT based network ,both the information and power is transferred simultaneously for information decoding and for recharging the batteries.. Energy Harvesting is used to convert the wireless signals into the electric power to recharge the relay nodes. Interference is minimized by using the harvested energy. Theapplications of Cooperative Relay in wireless sensor networks such as beam-forming and vehicular ad-hoc network is used to transfer the information and power without draining the batteries of the relay nodes.

How to Cite
P.Ramakrishnan, S. Dhivya. (2020). Advanced Routing for Cooperative Relays for Information Dissemination and Power Transfer in WSNs. International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology, 29(4s), 2182 - 2190. Retrieved from