Activity Tracking Mobile Application for Insurance

  • Natanael Alamas, Emil Robert Kaburuan


Low insurance penetration rate in millennial generation, few insurance digital startup, and growth of internet and smartphone user in Indonesia are problem and opportunity that want to be tackled by this study. This study will evaluate past researches about insurtech and explore other insurtech in Indonesia to propose a mobile application which suitable to attract millennial generation to buy insurance policy.The mobile application offer various insurance product services, such as policy purchase, premium payment, and claim. The uniqueness offered by this mobile application is premium discount feature based on physical activities target. The result of this study is 86% of millennial generation are attracted to the unique feature of the mobile application.

How to Cite
Natanael Alamas, Emil Robert Kaburuan. (2020). Activity Tracking Mobile Application for Insurance. International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology, 29(3), 7930 - 7936. Retrieved from