Advanced Super marts for Visually Imparted people using Voice Navigation, Sensor Network and Braille Code
Nowadays due to the deficiency of Vitamin A, people suffer from blindness. The blind people can use wrist bands enabled with a voice input system for easy shopping. The basic idea revolves around using special wrist bands which will be voice-enabled with a button which will help the person to mention all the products he/she needs. The supermarket will be having different racks that will be of specific length and will contain specific products stored with details of the product in form of the array storing the location of the products, which enables the device to get the shortest path to the products. The idea uses few algorithms like Voice sensing for input of data through the wrist band, it also uses Braille Code for implementing braille script for sensing product details and includes Shortest Path First (SPF) algorithm for finding the shortest possible route leading to the products enlisted. This will be implemented in over the supermarkets specifically for blind people. This will ease the shopping of the Blind people.