Competent Urdhva Tiryakbhayam (UT) Vedic multiplier using Reversible gates

  • K. Kalai Selvi, R. Arun Sekar, S. Prabu venkateswaran, S.V. Ramanan


Multipliers are significant in Digital Signal Processing applications and microchip structures. With the headway in innovation, different examinations have been directed to create rapid, low force utilization and less territory or a mix of the presentation in one multiplier. Henceforth, with these exhibition attributes, we can discover the different high speeds, low force and reduced VLSI execution of the multipliers planned. Multipliers are fundamental to actualize the computationally concentrated advanced sign handling units, for example, DFT and MAC. A Vedic multiplier is outstanding amongst other arrangement that can be utilized to perform increases at a quicker rate by dispensing with the means that are not required in regular augmentation process. Reversible rationale has gotten striking in the ongoing years due to its capability to diminish power use, which is a significant worry in computerized structure. In this research work Vedic multiplier is designed using different combination of reversible gates since the speed of operation is very high using reversible gates. Although Vedic multiplier are fastest multiplier when compared to existing multiplier technologies. The delay is further reduced by if the Vedic multiplier is designed using reversible gates. In this work, the proposed Vedic multiplier using reversible gates has considerable reduction in the delay when compared to the conventional Vedic multiplier. The simulation result is compared using Cadence 45nm technology.

How to Cite
K. Kalai Selvi, R. Arun Sekar, S. Prabu venkateswaran, S.V. Ramanan. (2020). Competent Urdhva Tiryakbhayam (UT) Vedic multiplier using Reversible gates. International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology, 29(3), 7026 - 7035. Retrieved from