Flipped classroom enables learners be active participants in language learning instructions. Students can access learning materials at their own pace. Moreover, learning out-of-class is flexible and can occur at any time and place according to the choice of learners, matching their academic levels and individual need. This condition supported students’ needs especially to enrich students’ reading skill. In reading class, they need not only more than reading motivation such as: reading for pleasure or education, but also their need for seeking information to build their skill for communication or profession. To accommodate students’ demand on the needs, lecturer designed flipped classroom to create a dynamic reading class’ instructions in involving students in classroom through reading enrichment. This study purposed to find out students’ participation and engagement in flipped classroom context. The study used both quantitative and qualitative data to provide broader understanding of how students’ participation and engagement the attributes of flipping the classroom during reading activities. The results revealed that attitudes and impressions of the participants were generally positive in flipped classroom during reading class.