Validation of E-Content Package vs Construction and Standardization of an Achievement Test in Learning History among XI Standard Students
Educational Technology is the application of scientific knowledge about learning and the conditions of learning to improve the effectiveness and efficiency of teaching and training”. These technologies motivate to students by nurturing their natural curiosity about the world around them, encouraging them to persevere through difficulty to master complex History concepts. E-content can support the new, inquiry-based approaches to social science instruction, providing virtual laboratories or field learning experiences that overcome practical and logistical constraints to student investigations. They can allow learners to visualize, discover, and formulate scientific explanations for social phenomena that would otherwise be impossible to observe and manipulate. They can help learners mentally link abstract representations of a scientific phenomenon with the invisible processes. This paper focuses on the validation of e-content package and the construction and standardization of achievement test. The e-content package is used for individual learning purpose through computer based.