Accidents Risk Reducing System

  • Dr.D.Veeraiah., S.Sowmya., M.Sai Kumar, V.Swathi, L.Sai Sravan


In recent years, we are able to track vehicles using different applications to better secure public and personal vehicles. Also the incidence of road crashes is rapidly increasing. Across the past few years, use of auto phones has increased sequentially, that has also increased in potential life threat. Because of the emergency facilities are lacking. The road transportation Increases day by day, but the rate of road accidents increasing with it.India is one of the developing countries, where the rate of road accidents is more than critical limit. The aim for this article is to implement a Vehicles Incident Control system using GPS and GSM technology. The system contains of sensor, MCU, GPS & GSM Message help devices. The accelerometer is also used to detect crashes and identify accidents. The Short Message will include GPS that allows identifying vehicles.

How to Cite
M.Sai Kumar, V.Swathi, L.Sai Sravan, D. S. (2020). Accidents Risk Reducing System. International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology, 29(3), 5911 - 5916. Retrieved from