Customer Complaining behavior and Repurchase intentions towards Online Shopping Sites

  • Vipin, Jagat Bhushan Nadda


The present study examines the customer methodology of complaining in online context and its effect on repurchase intentions. The precise areas of the study are to determine the demographic profile of complaining customers, awareness of complaining procedure, customer methodology to share their dissatisfaction, types of problems faced by customers and customer repurchase intentions. The study concluded that customers who directly complain to the online shopping site are more than who take private actions. Customer complaining behavior is affected by occupation, income, shopping experience and shopping frequency. Highest number of problems faced by respondents is related to delivery of defective product. Most of the customers reduce business with the online shopping site however if complaints handled properly it may be result in increase of continuation of business with the online shopping site.

How to Cite
Jagat Bhushan Nadda, V. (2020). Customer Complaining behavior and Repurchase intentions towards Online Shopping Sites. International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology, 29(4s), 808 - 819. Retrieved from