Security Analysis of Web Applications

  • Narendra Singh Yadav, et all


                           In the modern and the fast-paced world, the internet and web helps in getting information from one place to another in very fast and effective way. Now these web apps may contain sensitive data which may be able to cause harm to any individual if malicious user has access to that information.  There are many types of attack on web application like code Injection, SQL injection, information leakage, Broken Authentication, Broken Access controls, Cross Site Scripting. Cross Site Scripting, a code injection attack, is a matured attack and was found as early as 2000. This aim of this paper is to develop a framework which can be followed to effectively check for the vulnerabilities in different Web Applications. Paper focus on learning different available attacks and their prevention finding the vulnerability in less time and not focus on the storage

How to Cite
et all, N. S. Y. (2020). Security Analysis of Web Applications. International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology, 29(3), 5331 - 5338. Retrieved from