Sociometry Analysis of Beef Cattle Farmers Institution in Indonesia: Case of Bina Insani as an Advanced Farmers Group

  • Dyah Gandasari, Alan Sugandi, Rifa Rafi’atu Syabani Wihansah, Wardani, Surachman Suwardi


Sociometry is one of the tools to analyze the social relationship and relationship direction among members in a group. One of the benefits of the sociometry is the ability to identify the performance of a group. The sociometry analysis of the beef cattle farmers’ agribusiness institution resulted a sociogram that shows the interpersonal communication network among farmers in collecting information on beef cattle agribusiness. This study is aimed to analyze agribusiness information network among beef cattle farmers. Sociometry analysis uses UCINET 6 analysis tool with analysis unit of individual. The result of the study reveals that: 1) centralized or interlock personal network was found in the information of farming, breeding, institutional, and marketing. In the other hand, radial personal network was found in the information of animal health; 2) the star is the chairman of farmers group.

How to Cite
Surachman Suwardi, D. G. A. S. R. R. S. W. W. (2020). Sociometry Analysis of Beef Cattle Farmers Institution in Indonesia: Case of Bina Insani as an Advanced Farmers Group. International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology, 29(3), 5375 - 5385. Retrieved from