Social Status and Class Perception of the Kaibarttas: A Study of Three Villages in Sivasagar District of Assam, India

  • Dr. Trailokya Dehingia


Social status refers to the position occupied by a person, family or kinship group in a social system relative to other. There is a fastened relationship between status and social class. A status group is considered as a social class. As a Scheduled Caste community, the Kaibarttas always occupy lower status in society. Of late, most of them are highly status conscious and aware of with social class. In this paper an endeavour has been made to examine the perspectives of the Kaibarttas toward various factors of social status and their class perceptions with special emphasis on class identity and aspirations. The study has been conducted in three Kaibartta villages in Sivasagar District of Assam. Both primary and secondary data have been used in the present paper. The respondents have been selected randomly by using sequential list method. The head of the households were the respondents in the present study. The study revealed that education, occupation and income are the major determinant of social status and class identity for the Kaibarttas in the present society and most of them have aspiration for becoming middle class.

How to Cite
Dehingia, D. T. (2020). Social Status and Class Perception of the Kaibarttas: A Study of Three Villages in Sivasagar District of Assam, India. International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology, 29(3), 4834- 4839. Retrieved from