Effect of modification on microstructure wear resistance and mechanical properties of Al-12.4%Si alloy
This work verifies the effect of adding different weight percentages of alloying elements boron and
antimony 1,2 and 3 Wt% to Al-12.4% Si alloy by stir casting process on the wear rate, microstructure,
and properties after the mechanical test. A microstructure was an inspection by optical microscopy
of alloy before and after adding the additional elements. The examination represents that the change
occurs on the size and morphology of α-Al, also refining the silicon in the eutectic phase. The results
of the mechanical test showed that the hardness, yield strength, and tensile strength increased when
the Wt% of alloying elements additions increasing, but the elongation decreases when we compared
with the Al-12.4%Si alloy. The wear rate determined by the pin-on-disk device before and after
alloying elements adding. Also, we observed that the wear rate decreased when increasing the Wt% of
boron at different applied loads (5, 10, and15N) at a constant sliding speed (2.8) m/sec, and also at
fixed applied load (15 N) with variance sliding velocity such as (1.4,2.8, and4.2M/sec).