Knowledge Management in Pharmaceutical Companies in Chennai City – A Study with reference to Employee’s Awareness and Service Quality

  • E. Nafeza et al.


The paper focuses on the emergence of Knowledge Management in Pharmaceutical Companies and its
impact on employee’s awareness and service quality. The present era is coping its attention towards
Knowledge Management. Knowledge Management has become a most needed approach and various
strategies that are adopted for managing knowledge. There are various effects of Knowledge Management
in employee awareness and service quality. The objective of the study is to analyze different types of
Knowledge Management Techniques adopted in Pharmaceutical Companies and to examine its effect of
services in the organization. This study is analytical and conceptual since my research work is still in
progress. The data taken is secondary and descriptive in nature which explores the detailed analysis of
strategies adopted in companies by integrating insights from the literature on Organizational Services
and Knowledge Management. Detailed research may be undertaken to equip the Pharmaceutical
Companies with Knowledge Management to bench mark their talent management practices and identify
the gaps in development road of execution that generate innovative ideas for development of companies
and to up bring the human resource skills

How to Cite
et al., E. N. (2020). Knowledge Management in Pharmaceutical Companies in Chennai City – A Study with reference to Employee’s Awareness and Service Quality. International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology, 29(2), 3530 - 3534. Retrieved from