Relationship Strategy in Grocery Business Tamil Nadu

  • Dr. Sathya Saminadan R S et al.


Growth of emerging economies which are restructuring the world’s economic landscape has been
ascribed to the entrepreneurial private and collective firms (Peng and Heath, 1996). Entrepreneurship
has been affected by numerous factors ranging from the sociocultural, political and economic ones in
these emerging economies. Many research studies have attempted to capture other economies in East
European countries and China, leaving India. Though Morrison (2000) and Luthans et al. (2000)
claimed that societal ideological norms and values native to emerging economies are impediments to
entrepreneurship, such findings could not be generalized to all emerging economies, specifically India
as per the findings of Damodaran (2008)

How to Cite
et al., D. S. S. R. S. (2020). Relationship Strategy in Grocery Business Tamil Nadu. International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology, 29(2), 3483 - 3487. Retrieved from