Work Life Balance of Female Crew in the Aviation Industry: A Case Study
Employees and employers are facing issues in work life balance. It has become a difficult domain now,
because the work needs have increased due to an increase in work pressure and complexities in handling
the technology. As there are drastic changes in the rules and regulations in the work scenario of the
aviation industry, it makes work life balance of employees difficult and set more hurdles. Hence there are
many distractions and imbalances in the life of women employees in the aviation industry working across
all levels. This work pressure is creating high level of hurdles in maintaining a harmonious job and family
life, especially for female aviation employees. Data is collected from 50 female crew members working at
Cochin International Airport. The objective of this study is to analyze the work life balance of working
females of Cochin International Airport and its impact on their personal and professional lives. The result
of the study shows that the management should frame certain policies which will help employees to have
the balance between their personal and professional lives.