The desire to achieve healthy wellbeing is an important aspect of Active Ageing. It can also be defined as
the ability of involving physical activities, of aged population, in their daily life so as not only to stay fit
but also to remain healthy to achieve healthy ageing. Physical activities like walking, exercise, yoga etc.
not only help in healthy living but also scientifically proved to be an active measure to stay healthy and
reduces the tendencies of health related diseases.
The design of community neighborhood is always a key factor to influence the support, care, security and
homeliness for the aged population. It exerts a significant necessity for the aged people who are mainly
affected by type of housing and their neighborhood settings. The design of built environment in India
which is predominately denser in urban areas with high automobile dependency, is not sympathetic to the
aged population for their safety and security. The ageing population is always a key challenge for social
as well as planning policies. However, there is a limited source of literature which defines the strategic
planning policies to sustain healthy ageing.
The focus of the paper is to explore the inter-relationship between various aspects of neighborhood
design and their impact on active ageing. Neighborhood, as defined, basically comprises of both housing
and spaces in which we live, work and spend our leisure time. The understanding of how the design of
neighborhood can have a positive impact on ageing is the aim of the research. The paper presents the
results and facts derived from a household survey, with aged population as the focus groups, conducted
in a neighborhood community in Bhubaneswar which highlights on the perception of old age people on
housing and their community settlement.
The paper is divided into three parts, first part focusing on the fact finding about the current scenario of
ageing population in Indian context and fundamental understanding of inter-relationship of
neighborhood design for healthy ageing The second part highlights the review from literature about
various aspects on neighborhood design and the perception of aged people on healthy ageing in their
neighborhood. The third part of the paper concludes with a set of design guidelines for neighborhood
design to create a safe pedestrian environment, easy access to public transportation, shopping centers,
public and recreational facilities and nearby healthcare centers and to create aspects for healthy ageing
and wellbeing for the aged people.