The Relationship between the Ability to Make a Concept Map with the Study Achievement of PGSD Umn Al-Washliyah Medan Students

  • Beta Rapita Silalahi et al.


Behavioristic learning theory explains that learning is a change in behavior that can be observed,
measured and assessed concretely. Changes occur through stimuli (stimuli) that give rise to reactive
behavioral relationships (responses) based on mechanistic laws. For students (students), a complete
understanding of the concept can be done by making a concept map in accordance with the
understanding of the concepts they have, because the concept map can show visually the relationships
between several concepts and can also be a schematic summary of subject matter, which makes it easy for
students . This study was designed using descriptive research methods, while the type of this research was
descriptive correlational research. The population in this study were students of the Elementary School
Teacher Education (PGSD) of the Muslim Archipelago University of Al-Washliyah Medan Academic
Year 2018/2019 semester 1 class H and I. The making of the Concept Map could improve the learning
achievements of Muslim Nusantara University (UMN) students in Al -Washliyah Medan PGSD study
program semester 1H and 1I, seen from an increase in learning outcomes. Students can understand the
basic concepts of social studies material by using concept maps on SPSS 20 for windows, the results of
regression tests making concept maps to the learning outcomes of basic concepts of social studies
obtained regression equation Y = 9,163 + 4,504 from the results of the concept map making in 1H
semester while the results of the regression test making concept maps towards the learning outcomes of
the basic concepts of social studies obtained regression equation Y = 6.409 + 5.107 from the results of
the concept map making value in semester 1I

How to Cite
et al., B. R. S. (2020). The Relationship between the Ability to Make a Concept Map with the Study Achievement of PGSD Umn Al-Washliyah Medan Students. International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology, 29(2), 3405 - 3414. Retrieved from