Enhancing the Capability of the Concept of Numbers Through Storytelling in Early Childhood
Mathematics has a very important role in everyday life. The use of mathematics on every side of life
makes mathematics a branch of knowledge that must be studied at every level of education. An
understanding of the concept of numbers is one of the basics in learning mathematics. A correct
understanding of the concept of numbers will facilitate early childhood in accepting new concepts in
the field of mathematics. This study focuses on increasing the ability to understand the concept of
numbers through telling stories in early childhood. Storytelling is one method that is fun and full of
meaning. The process of understanding a concept in early childhood will be easily accepted if it is
carried out in a fun way. Through storytelling, children's imagination will be higher so that children's
creativity and reason will increase along with the story line inserted message about the concept of
numbers, so that the use of storytelling method by including elements of number concepts in the story
content will increase the ability to understand the concept of numbers in children early age.