Charging Technologies for Commercial Electric Vehicle

  • Bhupendra Sehgal, Omveer Singh


Electric mobility becomes trending issue than ever in transportation sector. The essential part of electric mobility is the use of electric vehicles. Electric motor is a primary source of electric vehicle whose power is drawn by batteries which are rechargeable energy storage devices.  Electric vehicles receive electricity by plugging into the grid and stores it in batteries. Electric Vehicle Charger is an electrical device that converts ac energy in to rectified dc energy and provides energy to the other vehicle electrical system. The energy storage device namely battery is heart of an electric vehicle. Therefore, charger of a battery is a very important for the electric vehicle technology. Electric vehicle battery chargers divided into two types: on-board type (in electric vehicle) and off-board type (at a fixed location). In this paper, the charging technologies in commercial vehicles, related standards, charging levels and charging modes are described. Also, Electric Vehicle charging sockets are explained clearly. The whole issues about chargers are presented for commercial Electric Vehicle manufacturers. Consequently, the big picture about electric vehicle charging system could be easily seen in this paper.

How to Cite
Omveer Singh, B. S. (2020). Charging Technologies for Commercial Electric Vehicle. International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology, 29(3), 2940 - 2949. Retrieved from